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Fluidity, Love, & Queerness: plants & herbs as our soul companions ((VIRTUAL, WAITLIST ONLY))

  • Rock Steady Farm On zoom (map)

*Due to the intimate nature of this workshop, the facilitator has requested we keep our class size to 30 participants. Please fill out the waitlist here. We will contact you if a spot becomes available or we decide to offer another additional workshop date for the waitlist. Please email if you have any questions. Thank you!*

See workshop description below:

In this virtual workshop facilitated by Yaquana Williams (she/her), we will explore the depths of queer sensuality and love. Questions like: "what is sensuality?", "how can we explore our fluidity through herbalism?" and "what is Queer herbalism?" will be explored.

This herbalism workshop will explore how building a restorative relationship to plants creates room to explore yourself and your sensuality deeper. We will be exploring herbs as allies to the queer community and how they can be gender affirming by learning to create herbal remedies to build deeper relationships to ourselves and our bodies. This is important especially as we transition through life, and this workshop will have an emphasis on learning to support the endocrine system through herbal creations.

We will also explore hormonal care for trans/non binary people aiming to provide loving support as they transition. We will talk about the queer history of herbal medicine and how it challenges the binary medical industrial complex. 

The workshop is sliding scale, donations $5 and above are encouraged.

About the facilitator: Yaquana is a queer herbalist, lover, dreamer, student of life, and soul magician. She comes from a Black ancestral lineage of West Virginia Mountain kin and Deep Southern Alabama roots. She was born in New Jersey, growing up in Newark and Irvington where she was introduced to her love of urban farming. In her professional work, she is a curriculum designer and educator uplifting gender expansive youth through social justice activism projects. She has been practicing plant medicine for 5 years now (officially) but it has always been in her blood. She was a student under hood herbalism, rooted medicine circle, and the people's medicine school. Her plant medicine practice is inspired by the tradition of Black people throughout the African diaspora to use plants to heal themselves and their communities. She loves to dig her hands into soul and she loves the earth. Her herbalism is also roooted in spirit, derived from ancestral ways of rootwork and conjure in the hoodoo tradition. She plans to open her own spiritual herbalism practice named AquayasAbyss focused on integrating shadow-work with plant medicine and supporting her queer community.